PLF 2023

Company’s Value : How to determine ?

Company's value : Practices in Morocco In the financial world, we don't usually talk about the price of a company. Indeed, we usually refer to the value of a company. The value of a company is defined being the price that the shareholders…
recruter un salarié étranger
restructuration groupe
Audit Social

Social audit

Is social audit in Morocco of the same importance as other audits (accounting, tax, etc.)? Does social audit have its place in the daily life of a company? How do companies assess their compliance with current social regulations? In Morocco,…
TVa sur lotissement de terrain
Tenue de comptabilité

Accounting in Morocco

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Why you should entrust your accounting in Morocco to a qualified professional: First of all, a company can choose to do its accounting in several ways: In-house accounting: most large companies have an accounting department. As such…
audit fiscal

Tax audit in Morocco

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A tax audit (or tax review) is a critical examination, conducted by an independent professional to assess the tax situation of a company. Indeed, in Morocco as elsewhere, it is a structured approach based on : First, the identification…
Professional Tax

Professional Tax in Morocco

The Professional Tax (Taxe Professionnelle, formerly called "Patente") is a Moroccan local tax payable by all businesses. Professional tax is applicable to all forms of companies (PLCs, LLCs, Partnerships...) as well as branches. Professional…
Dividendes au Maroc

Dividends in Morocco (2024): Withholding tax

Dividends in Morocco The term dividend corresponds to the share of profits that a company distributes to its shareholders or associates. A company must distribute dividends to shareholders in proportion to their holdings. In common parlance,…
cession de parts

Transfer of Shares in a PLC vs in an LLC

The transfer of shares means, for a partner, the sale of his ownership in a company. Indeed, at the establishment a company, share capital is divided between the founding partners according to the amount of their contributions. As such, each…