Payroll management in Morocco


Is your payroll in Morocco managed by a qualified professional? Do you have a good grasp of all the items in your payroll and all the tax implications?

Payroll in Morocco – A time consuming, complex task

Although it is a time-consuming task with little added value in appearance, payroll can be a source of risk.

First of all, in Morocco the tax on salary income is a withholding tax. The employer is responsible for calculating, withholding and paying this tax. The salary income tax is calculated on an annual basis. Each month the employer must readjust the yearly accumulation of income to assess the calculation accuracy. The employer is liable for any error in the salary income tax calculation.


Moreover, the task is not easy. The Income Tax is calculated according to a progressive scale based on the gross taxable income. The accountant must be aware of the deductible allowances, the various advantages that the law provides in terms of tax reductions. He must be informed of recent changes in tax law and social security contributions. In addition, all the provisions of the labor law may affect the calculations (right to leave, severance pay, absence, abandonment of post, etc.). More and more companies prefer outsourcing payroll because of its complexity, in order to focus on HR development.

Payroll outsourcing – A Chartered Accountant is your ideal partner

Chartered accountants are independent professionals who have several assets:

  • Multidisciplinary background in accounting, tax and legal matters
  • Experience in different fields which gives him an insight into several business areas
  • Good knowledge of best practices in terms of internal control and HR organizational procedures

Unlike other professionals (such, specialized payroll service providers), who draw their strength from the standardization of processes alone,  Chartered Accountants are very keen on providing the best advice to their clients. Choosing a firm that handles both accounting and payroll, means you can be sure of receiving good advice and, above all, that the payroll department will not be interrupted due to absence, departure or illness.


At Upsilon Consulting, we provide payroll services to our clients

In addition to a 100% turnkey service, we provide our clients with an online access to their pay slips, payroll journals and all deliverables through a Share-point solution. This makes it easier for the company outsourcing its payroll to access any document or information needed.


Payroll – Our services

We provide counselling in social matters, especially:

  • Advice and editing of pay slips in compliance with the current social and fiscal regulations ;
  • Processing of payroll and social declarations (including the annual declaration 9421) ;
  • Registration for the optional online tax return, online return, and online payment.

In detail, our services include the following :

  • Managing your dossier on the Sage Payroll software ;
  • Simulations of gross and net amounts when hiring your employees (or in bonus periods) ;
  • Monthly preparation of individual salary slips ;
  • Preparation of the wire transfer file ;
  • Filing social security returns (CNSS) (salary declaration slips and statement of monthly transfers; Income Tax (IR) declarations) ;
  • Preparation of the monthly payment slip and the year-end 9421 statement) ;
  • Preparation severance pay ;
  • On request, wage and employment certificates ;

In general, all the simulations that the client needs for his budget management process or for decision making.

Our delivery schedules

Client’s obligations

The client must provide the following by the 25th of the month :

  • Time sheets (days worked)
  • Employee turnover
  • Details of leave
  • Details of salary change

Our firm’s obligations

All contractual deliverables will be sent to client 3 days after reception of payroll items and, at the latest, M+10 to respect legal deadlines.

  • Pay slips
  • Payroll journals
  • Social and tax returns
  • Accounting entries, if any


Régime fiscal restructuration de groupes

Upsilon Consulting

Created at the beginning of 2011, the UPSILON group consists currently in two entities

Note that our firm is a member of the IR Global professional network. This is an additional guarantee of quality.

The founding partners have extensive experience in national and international auditing and consulting. They have been involved throughout their careers in audit and consulting assignments in various sectors for internationally renowned groups.

What attracts our clients is the diversity of our experience, the dynamism and the relationships of trust that we build with them.

Indeed, since its establishment, our firm has benefited from a considerable growth and has a growing reputation among Moroccan and international groups.

You wish to outsource your Payroll, Get a quotation online.



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