branch in morocco

Branch in Morocco : what you should know

A branch in Morocco is an independent establishment that is part of a group. Unlike a subsidiary, a branch does not have a separate legal personality. The branch in Morocco has, by law, a certain degree of management and executive autonomy. A…
créer société casablanca
société anonyme au maroc


The public limited company (PLC) in Morocco is used in companies listed on the stock exchange or in entities carrying out large scale projects. It provides, thanks to its mode of operation, more security and control over the investment. In…
difficultés d'entreprises

Business difficulties in Moroccan Law

Collective procedures are measures taken to prevent business difficulties. Image par Andrew Khoroshavin de Pixabay Indeed, when a company faces events that threaten its operations’ continuity, management should take specific legal measures. Before…
dissolution de société sarl maroc

Company dissolution in Morocco

Company dissolution / Liquidation : What is it? The notions of dissolution of a company and liquidation of a company are often confused in the minds of readers. However, there is a legal difference between the notions in the Moroccan law. First,…